January 26, 2009

Advice About Journals

I am pedaling east from Astoria, OR in roughly four months. I have decided an online journal of my preparations and adventures would be a pleasant thing: for my friends, family, self.

Nevertheless, I do not take on such a bold exercise (journal, not bike tour) without a word of caution from a good friend. Old Mark Twain says: "If you wish to inflict a heartless and malignant punishment upon a young person, pledge him to keep a journal for a year."

He wrote that at the beginning of Innocents Abroad, which is a sort of journal he kept for a year.

1 comment:

  1. B,

    Jo and I are thrilled that you are doing this trip. What an adventure!

    We will definitely plan on meeting you in Missoula and riding down to Rawlins or maybe Colo Spgs (is that right?)...about 2 weeks worth.

    Now I've got to get ready by putting lots of miles on my bike between now and then (unless you are willing to back off to, say, 15 miles/day while we join you!).


    PS: Mark Twain was probably right!
